How To Build A Sales Funnel In 2023 ( FULL FREE GUIDE )

How To Build A Sales Funnel In 2023 ( FULL FREE GUIDE )

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In This Guide, You’ll Learn How To Build A Sales Funnel For Your Business For Free. Let’s Get Started.

1- What Is A Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is a series of stages that a potential customer goes through when they consider buying a product or service.

The stages of a sales funnel typically involve awareness, interest, decision, and action.

The main goal/purpose of a sales funnel is to move a potential client through all of these stages to become an actual customer and make a purchase.

By using a sales funnel, you can take people from an unaware state of your products or services to actually purchasing from you, amongst all the other options in the marketplace.

2- The Four Stages Of Sales Funnel :

A sales funnel consists of 4 main stages, Which Are :

1- Awareness

2- Interest

3- Decision

4- Action

Let’s Explain Each Of Them in detail.

stages of sales funnel

2.1- Awareness:

The first stage of a sales funnel is ‘ Awareness ‘. Awareness is when a prospect becomes aware of your product or service.

Awareness can start from a social media ad, Email Message, referral, or Google Search … Etc.

In this stage, people start to notice your brand. But, they still didn’t show any particular interest in your products.

An example would be a girl seeing an Instagram ad about a new gaming headset from a company ‘X’ ( Awareness ). If the girl clicked on the product ad, that means that she’s maybe interested in that product. So, we move to the second stage of the funnel which is ‘ Interest ‘.

2.2- Interest:

The second stage of a sales funnel is ‘ Interest ‘. Interest is when a prospect expresses interest in your product or service.

Once the prospect becomes aware of your brand and products. You should start publishing informative content that can help them to solve their problems and learn more about your products without directly selling to them.

During this stage, You should focus on educating your prospects, not selling to them. If you become too aggressive with your sales approach, you may push them to leave your website.

2.3- Decision:

The third stage of a sales funnel is ‘ Decision ‘. This is where the prospect evaluates the product or service and decides whether they will make a purchase or not.

At this stage, The customer is ready to buy. But, They’re not 100% Sure. This is when the prospect starts comparing Prices and Features between you and your competitors to select the best option for them.

This is when you need to convince your potential customers that your offer is the best option for them.

And to make them excited about your product, your offer should be irresistible and hard to refuse. For example, you can provide: ‘ Free Shipping ‘, ‘ A Discount Code ‘ or ‘ A Free Gift ‘ when they place their orders.

2.4- Action:

The fourth and last stage of the funnel is ‘ Action ‘. This is when the potential customer makes a purchase and becomes an actual customer.

This is the most important stage in the whole funnel. This is when you get the sales. This is when you gain customers.

When the prospect completes the purchase, It doesn’t mean that your job is done yet. The process never ends.
Once the customer buys from you one time, they should come back again and again and again. You should make them loyal to your brand. So, they always buy from you.

After this stage, your goal is to focus on customer retention.

3- Types Of Marketing Funnels:

There are several types of Marketing funnels. But, These Are The Most Important Ones:

1- The Lead Generation Funnel
2- The Event Funnel
3- The Sales Funnel

3.1- Lead Generation Funnel:

The main goal of lead funnels is to capture and collect people’s data, such as Emails, Phone Numbers, Locations, and other auxiliary information.

Lead generation is the process of finding people who are interested in your product and then getting them to give up their contact information in exchange for something of value like an eBook, a discount code, a Free Webinar … Etc.

The idea here is to take somebody anonymous that would likely find value in your product and get them to become a known contact in your database.

Lead funnels consist of two sub-categories :

_ Squeeze page funnel
_ Application funnel

P.S. The conversion rate of lead funnels should be higher than sales funnels.

3.1.1- Squeeze Page Funnel:

A squeeze page funnel is a special landing page that is designed to collect people’s contact information in exchange for something of great value.

How To Create A Squeeze Page Funnel ?

First, You create a landing page Like this:

how to build a sales funnel

Then, You Offer your potential customers a free reward in exchange for their Email Address, Phone Number, Website … Etc. We call this page the ‘ Lead Magnet ‘.

how to build a sales funnel

Once they enter their details, they get directed to the The Thank You Page .

Another squeeze page funnel example is the ‘ Pop-up ‘.

Pop-ups usually come With an offer and a subscription or sign-up button to capture leads.

Here’s An Example:

how to build a sales funnel

The main goal of the squeez page funnel is to collect The contact information of your prospects.

3.1.2- Application Funnel:

An application funnel is when you ask your prospective clients a series of questions to see if they’re qualified for your offer or not.

we usually use this type of funnel with high-ticket products. Because let’s be honest not everyone would be able to buy a product of 1000 or 2000 Dollars. Therefore, we use the application funnel to filter people and keep only those who might be a good fit for our offer.

How To Create An Application Funnel For Your Business?

1- Create a form with all the necessary data that you need from your prospects.

2- Filter them to sort quality clients.

3-Finally, Make a call to convince them to purchase.

3.2- Event Funnel:

The event funnel consists of two sub-categories, which are:

  • Webinar Funnel
  • Auto-Webinar Funnel

Let’s explain each one of them.

3.2.1- Webinar Funnel:

First things first, What Is A Webinar?
A Webinar is an online seminar that is organized to teach and educate an audience about a specific topic.

To get a clear idea of what a webinar is, take this example:

The main reason behind organizing a webinar funnel is to attract people’s attention and get them to give you their contact information in exchange for a reward ( Which can be online training, A Q&A Webinar… Etc ).

Pro Tip: The higher the reward, the more sign-ups you will get for your webinar.

The webinar funnel is considered one of the best and most important funnels in Digital Marketing. But, Why?
Here are a few reasons:

1- Webinars help businesses to teach their prospects about their products and services.

2- Webinars help answer and solve customers’ issues instantly.

3- Webinars help marketers to build trust and authority in their field.

4- Webinars Increase the chances of making them loyal customers.

The Process of a webinar funnel is simple: You drive traffic to your landing page, Collect their E-Mails, Do The Webinar, You make sales at the end. That’s It.

To learn more about The Webinar funnel And How To Build One, Watch this video:

3.2.2- Auto Webinar Funnel:

The process of the auto-webinar funnel is pretty similar to the webinar funnel, the only difference is ‘ Automation ‘.

The Auto Webinar funnel is entirely automated, Which means that the webinar is pre-recorded, the emails are automated, and the whole process is automated. You do it once and the process repeats itself with every client.

To learn more about the Auto-Webinar funnel, Watch this video:

3.3- Sales Funnel:

This type of funnel aims to make sales, not leads. The main goal of this funnel is to generate profit.
Sales funnels consist of 3 sub-categories, which are:

  • Tripwire funnel
  • Sales letter funnel
  • Product lunch funnel

Let’s explain each one of them and see how they work.

3.3.1- Tripwire funnel:

A tripwire funnel is a marketing strategy where a low-ticket product is offered to a customer, with the goal of selling a more expensive one in the future.

It is called the ‘ Trapwire funnel ‘. Because The low-priced product acts as a ‘ Tripwire ‘. The main goal of this strategy is to build a relationship with the customer. So, It becomes easier to sell them additional products in the future.

To understand the concept of this funnel, Let’s take an example of how you can create a tripwire funnel for your business by yourself.

Let’s suppose that your business sells fitness products, Ok?

First, You create a no-brainer offer, an irresistible offer, an offer that is hard to refuse.
For example, Selling a whey protein with FREE SHIPPING.

types of marketing funnels

Then, When your customers complete their purchases. You offer them a more expensive product for an extra-low price that the buyer can add to His / Her cart by simply ticking a box.

types of marketing funnels

This offer should be available only for one time. That’s why we call it the ‘ One time offer ‘.

To learn more about tripwire funnel, Watch this video:

3.3.2- Sales Letter Funnel:

A sales letter funnel is a marketing strategy where a series of steps and actions, including a sales letter, are used to convert prospects into paying customers.

The process of the ‘ Sales letter funnel ‘ is pretty similar to the tripwire funnel.

Let’s take a closer look and see how you can use this funnel to promote your products.

First, You Create a landing page adding your promotional video, the Features of your product, Review and testimonials of customers … Etc.

Then, at the end of the page. Add a purchase form where the customers can enter their credit card details and buy.

And once they complete their purchases, you move on to the next step where you offer them another product with a discount on it ‘ One Time Offer ‘.

Same as in the previous funnel, This offer is available only for one time.

Finally, If they clicked on the ‘ Yes, I want to buy ‘ Button. You close the sale.

That’s basically How the Sales Letter Funnel Works, To Learn More About It, Check Out This Article: Sales Letter Funnel Guide

3.3.2- Product Lunch Funnel:

A Product launch funnel is a step-by-step process that a business takes to introduce a new product to the market.
The main goal of this funnel is to build anticipation for the product before the customer is allowed to buy it.

It’s the same strategy that movies apply in their marketing strategy. First, They release teasers and trailers. So, by the time, the movie hits the big screen. People will rush to watch it.

To learn how to use the ‘ Product Lunch Funnel ‘ In Your Business, Watch This Video:

4- How To Build A Sales Funnel :

To create a successful sales funnel, You need to follow these 6 Steps:

1- Define Your Target Audience, Understand their needs and motivations, Know Where They Spend Their Time … Etc.

2- Create a compelling offer that might encourage your target audience to take action.

3- Create a landing page that explains your offer in detail with a sign-up form or a call to action ( CTA ).

4-Use marketing strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and social media to drive traffic to your landing page.

5- Once a visitor arrives on your landing page, they should be directed to a thank you page where they can access the offer or be prompted to take the next step in your sales-to-funnel process.

6- Measure the performance and effectiveness of your sales funnel and make adjustments to improve it.

PRO TIP: You can use Google Analytics And Google Search Console to monitor and optimize your sales funnels.

5- How To Measure The Performance Of A Sales Funnel:

The success of a sales funnel can be measured by tracking the following metrics:

1- Traffic: Refers To The Number Of Visitors To The Landing Page.

2- Conversion Rate: Refers To The Percentage Of Visitors Who Take Action, Such as buying a product or filling out a sign-up form.

3- Average Order Value ( AOV ): Refers To The Average value of a purchase made by a customer.

4- Bounce Rate: Refers to the percentage of visitors who leave the funnel without taking any further action.

5- Funnel Drop-Off rate: refers to the percentage of visitors who leave the funnel at each stage.

By tracking these metrics, you can get a full overview of your sales funnel. So, you can determine the effectiveness of your strategy and point out the areas that need improvement.

6- The Best Tool To Build A Sales Funnel :

There are a lot of sales funnel builder out there in the market, I didn’t try all of them. But, Here’s the one that I personally use and I Love It .

There are a lot of sales funnel builders out there in the market. I didn’t try all of them. But, I can say that the best one yet is ‘ Getresponse ‘.

how to build a sales funnel

Getresponse is an all-in-one marketing platform that allows you to create landing pages, Forms, and popups in addition to many more features like email marketing, Hosting webinars, and Building Websites …

Getresponse offers 4 Main Packs :

1- The first plan IS FREE up to 500 contacts.

PRO TIP: The FREE plan is more than enough for beginners, you can still use it to create landing pages and websites for free until you start making some profit. Then, you can upgrade.

2- The Second Plan Starts From 19 $ / Month.

3- The Third Plan Starts From 59 $ / Month.

2- The Fourth Plan Starts From 119 $ / Month.

how to build a sales funnel

However, The exact price for each plan will depend on the features you need and the number of subscribers you have.


Try Getresponse For FREE !


That’s It For Our Sales Funnel Article Today. It’s Time To Practice Now.

If you want lo learn how to drive more traffic to your website organically, Check Out Our Free: SEO GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS

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