5 Best Off Page Seo Techniques In 2023

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5 Best Off Page Seo Techniques In 2023

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To rank higher on search engines and increase your website’s visibility, on-page SEO alone isn’t enough without building a solid off-page SEO strategy.

Off-page SEO is considered one of the most important and essential parts of a successful SEO strategy.

So, what is off-page SEO and what are the best off page seo techniques in 2022 ?

What Is Off Page Seo ?

Off-Page Seo is any activity you perform outside your website to improve its ranking and visibility on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Search engines use many factors to rank websites and off-page SEO is one of them, that’s why it’s important to work on it and include it in your marketing strategy.

Although most experts prioritize off-page SEO over on-page SEO, I strongly believe that these two techniques work and complete each other.

Off-page SEO Vs On Page Seo, What's The Difference?

On-Page SEO is any activity you perform on your website that aims to help search engines to better understand and digest your content.

Off Page SEO refers to all the activities you can do outside of your website to help you improve your SERP position ( SERP stands for search engine results pages ).

5 Best Off Page Seo Techniques :

5.1- Link Building :

Link building is the process of getting other websites to link back to your own website in order to rank higher on the SERP and increase your site’s authority.

And because search engines always prefer quality over quantity, it’s very important to get a few trustworthy links rather than having dozens of inferior or spammy ones.

But, why these links are important ?

When Website X links to another website Y, that means Website Y Is good and worth mentioning.

Therefore, Search Engines will think the same and consider Website Y as a helpful site and will eventually rank it.

But, to convince search engines that your website is good, you need to get those backlinks from authority sites that have a lot of unique visitors every month.

So, How can we get those backlinks to our websites?

Simply by writing high-quality content that is worth mentioning because if your content is bad, why should other blogs or influencers link to it?

Furthermore, it would be best if you also built relationships with people who share with you the same field and interests.

For Example, if you’re website sells ” smart phones”, it would better to partner with someone like Mrwhosetheboss who have millions of followers rather than an unknown blogger who’s just started.

How To choose the right influencers for your niche?

First of all, make a list of twenty to thirteen influencers or bloggers that are related to your niche.

For that manner, You can use these free tools :

BuzzSumo, which can help you find key influencers to promote your content.
Foloowerwonk, which helps you find influencers On Twitter.
Traackr is one of the best influencer marketing platforms you can rely on.

Secondly, start contacting and engaging with them on their social media pages or their blogs one by one, and ask them if they’re interested to collaborate with you.

thirdly, filter your previous list and keep only those who seem interested.
Lastly, Ask them for their permission to repost some of their articles or invite them to write a guest post or review your offerings.

If you want the easiest path, you can simply pay them to link to you in their articles or posts.

PRO TIP: Link building takes time and it’s not easy as it seems. Therefore, you need to be patient and over time you can see some great results.

2-Social Media Marketing :

One of the best marketing strategies to sell any product or service online is social media because 93% of internet users log into their social media accounts at least one time a month.

But, Google said that they don’t consider social media signals like” Likes, Comments and shares ” as a ranking factor.

This means that getting hundreds or even thousands of likes for your post won’t impact your ranking on the SERPs. But, if a post gets real attention or goes viral, it will have an indirect impact on your rankings.

Because, Popular posts are seen by thousands to millions of people and it is more likely for webmasters ( people who manage site content ) to actually link to your post from their websites.

which will eventually attract more visitors and increase the chances of more shares, backlinks, and clicks to your site.

In addition, if you promote your posts regularly on social media, there is a higher chance that some people may like them and eventually link to some of them on their blogs.

PRO TIP: To Get More Views And Engagement On Social Media You Should Post Consistently.

3- Guest Posting:

Guest blogging is when you write a post for another website or blog as a guest in exchange for an external hyperlink to your blog.

Guest posting is one of the best and most effective ways to get backlinks and optimize your visibility on search engines.

Still, choosing guest posting opportunities carefully is essential to ensure that you get high-quality backlinks from reputable websites because search engines always prioritize the quality of backlinks over the quantity.

Consider that these websites should have high authority and credibility to save your time and energy from wasting them on useless websites that give you nothing in return.

So, How to do guest posting properly ?

1- Go to Google And Search For the Following :
– ‘ Keyword ‘ + Write For Us
– ‘ Keyword ‘ + Contribute

Tips: Replace the ‘ keyword ‘ with the niche or topic of your Website.

‘ Fashion ‘ + Write For Us
‘ Smartphones ‘ + Contribute

off page seo techniques

2- Make a list of websites that accept guest posting in your niche.

3- Contact the owners of those websites, introduce yourself, and pitch your guest post idea.

4- Once they like your post, they will accept your request.

PRO TIPS: Always Interact with blog commenters and stay in touch with the blog owners, building relationships is critical in this online world.

4- Local SEO :

Local SEO is is the process of making a website more visible in local Google search results.
The main goal of Local SEO is to increase the visibility and ranking of websites in the SERPs for searches that are geographically relevant to the business.

Let’s take a quick example to understand how local SEO works on Google :
Say we search for ” smartphones “, on Google. The SERP (Search Engine Results Page) looks something like this:

off page seo techniques

As you can see in the image above, Wikipedia appeared in the first results and all the other results are about smartphone prices, best smartphones in 2022 …

Now, let’s append a term that donates the location in which you are. Let’s say we search for ‘smartphones near me.

Now, The SERP looks like this:

off page seo techniques

Just after adding NEAR ME to the keyword, google automatically changed to the search results page.

Google understands that you’re looking for stores that sell smartphones near your location. so, it gives you all the necessary information that you need to find where these stores are located.

If you have a small local business, you should use local searches to bring more traffic and customers to your website.

So, How to rank in the local google search results ?

One of the most effective ways to rank on the first page of local searches is Google My Business.
You can watch the video below to understand more about it :

To get your business listed in the local business results of Google Search, registering your business in Google My Business is necessary.

When a user looks up a local business by indicating a specific location in their search terms, Google prioritizes the local businesses registered in Google My Business.

If you are selling a product or maintaining a brand or performing a service, registering your business in Google My Business is a vital part. Cataloging your business with Google is by far the simplest way to get into Google search results.

5-Brand mentions:

What Are " brand mentions " ?

When someone mentions a brand or enterprise name (like apple or windows … ) on social media posts, articles, reviews … etc. We call that ‘ brand mentions ‘

So, How can ' brand mentions ' help improve your off-page seo ?

Search engines like Google, and Bing … always prefer to rank branded websites on top of the search results rather than ranking normal websites, and the reason why is the same as explained above about authority, trustworthiness and expertise.

The only difference between ” brand mentions “, ” link building “, and ” social media marketing ” is that brand mentions do not necessarily have a link pointing back to your website.

It can be mentions of your brand in articles, forums ( like Quora, and Reddit… ), feedback , or social media networks ( like Tiktok, Instagram … ).

How to track brand mentions ?

To track brand mentions manually is almost impossible. Especially, if you have a lot of followers, reviews, and feedbacks …

But, some tools can help you to track your brand mentions across social media posts, forums, reviews … etc.

Here’s Our List Of Recommendations :

1- Brand24
2- Social Mention
3- SproutSocial
4- BuzzSumo
5- Brandwatch

Pro tip: try to respond to any positive or negative mentions of your website or your products .


Off page Seo may seem a little bit harder than on page seo , and that’s true because most of these off page seo tactics aren’t under your control .

But, if you apply each method separately and find out what’s working best for your website and do it consistently, I’m sure that you will see great results in the near future.

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